Video Games: A Technological Masterpiece

Video Games: A Technological Masterpiece
February 25, 2019 Comments Off on Video Games: A Technological Masterpiece Art,Entertainment,Technology Floyd Lyla

It is very evident that technological innovations and modernization has totally evade the world today. Together with the increasing demand and usage of smartphones, computers, and electronic gadgets, the rise of various applications and video games also emerge.

Video games are created with imaginative background and amazing designs. Each stories and featured themes are usually from narrative settings. Moreover, every game also comes with unique characters that able to capture the player’s imagination.

Games that interacts

There are lots of video games with different themes available. Those games have its individual purpose and interacts well with the players.

Player’s skills and abilities were able to develop and boosted while playing each games. Come to play the Legend of Zelda that focuses on agility.

In addition, take a look at the Gears of War as engage the players to strategize with a specific plan in mind. However, it utilizes various guns with lots of ammo.

Furthermore, there are games about fighting and reducing the life of the enemy. This game should also have a concept of winning over the opponent.

However, if a game has a poor title, it does not succeed as a game, even if the story behind it is an incredible one. Keep in mind that the game design, the scheme setting, and the strategy that will overcome the challenge may all be factors to determine that video game is really a masterpiece.

An iconic work of art

Take the challenge of the Grand Theft Auto 5 or GTA 5 that reveals an amazing series of artwork. This multiplayer interactive game which can be accessed via the free shark card codes.

This game series is a masterpiece of Stephen Bliss who provided the GTA 5 artwork for almost 15 years. He also assisted in the detailed background and design of the Grand Theft Auto 3, the game of San Andres, and other games that are linked to GTA.

In addition to Bliss artwork are the Red Dead Redemption, Bully, and The Warriors. Bliss timely contributions to various video game masterpieces make him realize the worth of these games as an art.

Working to create an amazing GTA 5 artwork helped me to proved myself as a versatile artist. From painting different designs, creating logos, making video game and non-video game masterpieces. I am able to come up with new drawing styles that are applicable to every video game invented.

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