Category: Musicians

Category: Musicians

Essential Elements of Music Production
May 9, 2023 Music,Musicians Felix Iris

Music production is the process of creating and recording music. It involves a combination of technical and creative skills that results in a finished product that can be distributed and enjoyed by listeners. In order to produce high-quality music, there are several essential elements that must be taken into account, such as microphones, mixing and […]

Enhancing Online Socialization through Music
May 5, 2023 Music,Music Benefits,Musicians Felix Iris

For centuries, music has been an important component of human culture, allowing people to express themselves and connect with others. Music has become an even more potent tool for socialization with the rise of the internet and social media platforms, allowing individuals to connect with others who share similar musical interests. For some streamers, they […]

Social Media Bands Hold the Future of Music
September 26, 2022 Musicians Jill Laney

  (Not so) Bold Prediction: The future of music belongs to the bands that also know how to convince on social media. And yes, social media are actually already part of the standard repertoire, as they are the most important means of communication for artists off stage. Those who have mastered social media well can […]

Why Spotify’s Promotional Strategy is Set for Success
August 8, 2022 Entertainment,Music,Music Marketing,Musicians,Technology Floyd Lyla

  Spotify is a music streaming service that operates in many countries. It has over a hundred million active users and millions of paying subscribers. Spotify’s success can be attributed to its promotional strategy, which includes traditional and new marketing tactics. The company has been promoting their service through radio spots, TV commercials, billboards, print […]

Performing Arts Medicine : Addressing Ailments Common to Musicians and Performing Artists
November 29, 2020 Health,Musicians Lindy Tahnee

In 1985, increasing medical concerns among performing artists led to the establishment of a medical specialization called Performing Arts Medicine (PAM). Introduced as a branch of occupational medicine, PAM practitioners formally address not only the medical issues confronting performers playing musical instruments, dancers and singers. It encompasses the overall management of health and prevention of […]
